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Unreleased Dark Pictures Anthology Game

This project was the first game I worked on at Supermassive Games, and it was in pre-production when I began working on it. It is planned to be released on all the latest console platforms and PC


While I am unable to go into too many details as the project is as of yet unreleased, it is a game in The Dark Pictures Anthology and so is also branching narrative, survival horror game where you play as five different characters whose survival depends on the choices you make throughout the story.

My Role:

Because the project was still in pre-production, alongside a team of designers, I was able to play a large part in the early stages of the game's development, such as putting forward ideas for some game's narrative beats and branching, or presenting ideas for some of the gameplay systems we wanted to implement.

My responsibilies included:

  • Putting together carefully presented documents to break down each scene / level. These would include any narrative beats, key events, or interactables that may be needed, as well as a breakdown of the characters, objectives and approximate timings in each section.

  • Level design: Creating and iterating on 2D floorplans in Photoshop, taking into account real-world scale but also designing each area to accomodate for the gameplay  (so looking at how real-world scale translates to in-game scale). 

  • Putting together whitebox environments in Unreal Engine, and using Game Flow to build the inital logic and structure for the levels - from this I learnt how to set-up and test entire levels very quickly.

  • Actioning feedback from Lead Designers / Directors and implementing the amendments to agreed deadlines.

  • Working with other departments such as Environment and Narrative, allowing us to brainstorm and come up with more creative ideas.

  • Working with other designers: providing and receiving feedback and support whenever needed.

Unfortunately I am unable to say much more about the project at this stage due to NDAs, but I will be updating this page more upon release.

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